What is a day in the life of a breeder?

A common question many clients ask us about Russian Blue breeding is: what is a day-to-day life? So, this blog entry is to provide a snapshot!

Having relocated to Central West NSW was a first start. You need to ensure you have space for all your cats but the ability to separate the males and females due to a number of reasons. Females and males should have their own run a cattery. We are quite lucky at Terapiya that our male is of an amazing nature and doesn’t spray-so he is indoors 24/7! Our females have an adjoining room to themselves with shelving installed so they can climb and play, but also often get let out for a run and stretch!

Feeding times are around 6am, including usual duties such as check trays and cleaning as needed. Cats are regularly interacted with during the day due to the advantages working from home and COVID has created for pet owners. From here we change trays every few days., with each cat needing a try each and an extra. We also have separate runs set up to divide up during breeding and birthing processes. This both keeps pets safe and lets us control the interaction with them.

Breeding Russian Blues isn’t as profitable as people may thinking. Some people are shocked at the $2000+ breeders quote for pedigree kittens. Yet this needs to cover ongoing vet fee’s for kittens and parents, food for parents during periods of no breeding, health costs and vaccines ect during the year. We do this due to knowing this breed provides amazing companionship and genetics suitable for all people but especially those you may be suffering mental ill-health or disability impacts.

Now, when we have kittens imagine this schedule threefold! Regular vet checks, desexing and health checks are essential for our kittens are they grow. There are also many other factors, adverse weather and changes in temperature and environment can affect both breeding and health. Thus, there is always an element of surprise to be braced for! The unknown factor can also come with additional cost and effort if you have a sick cat.

Please reach out if you have further questions or are interested in a kitten.


Update on Terapiya Cattery-NSW Australia.


What to look for in a Russian Blue breeder?